Our services

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Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA)
and management

A tailored approach to geriatric care, CGA offers an opportunity to create a fully bespoke management plan, enhancing clinical outcomes, preserving independence, and ensuring the patient’s preferences are acknowledged. A crucial element of a smooth-running treatment plan, ongoing monitoring aims to reduce lengthy hospital stays, enhance patient satisfaction, and lessen the need for residential care, ensuring a seamless discharge into the community, with the addition of any necessary resources or support.

Consisting of five domains; physical health issues, mental health issues, functional issues, social issues, and environmental issues, namely risk factors related to their living space, CGA supports an incredibly thorough assessment to ensure no hazards slip through the net.


Peri-Operative Care (POC)

Spearheading a change in patient-centred care, Dr Rajni Lal is the first geriatrician in NSW to have completed a fellowship from Perioperative care for Older People undergoing Surgery (POPS), Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital, London, U.K. With an emphasis on nurturing the patient experience from the first consultation to the final farewell, POC is renowned for reducing the undesirable post-operative trio; complications, lengthy stays, and relapses.

The result of a collaboration between a diverse range of medical professionals, POC was curated to help patients navigate their treatment options, from a bespoke pre-surgery plan to the lengthy discussion of medical outcomes, as well as shared decision-making through the patient journey.

What is POPS?

A geriatrician-led pathway, POPS is a highly effective model for elderly patients undergoing surgery. Collaborating with the team involved in the patient’s care, POPS clinicians execute a robust assessment to ensure a seamless plan during hospital admission and discharge, treating any medical, mobility, and social issues that may come to the surface. From a helping hand with resources that aid an independent lifestyle to the creation of water-tight discharge plans, this service is on-hand throughout the patient’s hospital admission

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Shared Decision Making (SDM)

A patient-oriented approach to treatment, SDM offers the patient's advantage in the driver’s seat. A tailored care method, this technique draws on Dr Lal’s clinical experience, expertise, and relevant literature, combined with the likes, dislikes, preferences, and individual values of the patient; space where personal autonomy is paramount.

Ultimately, the best decision is the one that is right for the patient. As the co-lead imbedding SDM – specifically the BRAN tool (Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Nothing) – at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Lal has extensive experience working hand-in-hand with her patients’ wishes. Straying from the ‘one size fits all method, reaching an invaluable blend of evidence-informed, patient-centric decision-making is key to streamlined care.